Imamia Medics International (IMI) is a global medical professional organization incorporated in the United States in 1994
IMI Europe was formed in 2010 with the intention of streamlining assistance as well as ensuring outreach to the wider European continent.
IMI Australia was inaugurated in 2010 with Dr. Nusrat Naqvi, IMI's Former Global President, presiding over the event.
Officially launched in 2010, IMI Canada secured charitable registration through the Canada Revenue Agency in 2017.
After many months of hard work following up from the IMI Iraq Initiative and years of thoughtful consideration, IMI officially formed a new chapter in Iraq in December 2009.
IMI East Africa, formerly IMI Tanzania, has been enhanced to include regional membership to extend the benefits of the chapter's activities.
IMI New Zealand launched in January 2013 under the leadership of Dr. Adnan Ali.
Under the leadership of Dr. Mubarak Naqvi, IMI India is reorganizing for a stronger national presence.
IMI UK is a national platform through which doctors and allied health professionals network and get involved with projects for the betterment of our community in the UK and around the world.
I can't believe my luck! I was truly fortunate to have attended this seminar. The presenters readily shared inside information, that was so valuable. It very realistically defined where each one of us stood on the road to residency, and highlighted how much effort each one of us needed in order to get where we wanted. The most amazing thing was, that each person's concerns were individually addressed in the Q & A session. Now I have a very clear idea of what my next step has to be. And I am more determined than ever to get there! I cannot thank the presenters and the administration enough.