
Inaugural Ceremony - Islamabad

12:00:PM Islamabad - Pakistan

The Inaugural Ceremony of the Islamabad portion of IMI's 10th International Conference took place on Saturday, December 28, 2019, in the Sheesh Mahal of the Conference Venue: Serena Hotel.

IMI Global Summit Islamabad Coordinator, Dr. Ali Raza Kazmi, MBBS, FESC, MSC, of Pakistan, took to the stage to welcome conference attendees.

Moderators for the event included Colonel Dr. Sajjad Naqvi, MBBS, MCPS, FCPS (Psychiatrist, Private Practice) and Professor Mulazim Bukhari MBBS, DCP, MPhil, FCPS, PhD, CHPE, Post Doc (Vice-Chancellor, Sadiq International University).

The Inaugural Ceremony included statements from key persons, special guests, as well as two plenary lectures to start off the conference proceedings.


Meet the Experts: Dr Haseeb Ather, FPSC

Amongst the many dignitaries who joined the event proceedings, Dr. Haseeb Ather, FPSC addressed the audience in his capacity as the Chairman of the Federal Public Service Commission. Dr Haseeb presented on a very relevant topic which addressed the Challenges of Literacy in Pakistan. His session was one of the most engaging sessions of the conference, where Dr Haseeb incorporated the views of the audience in his talk. He showed the audience the link between education and the prosperity of the country. He emphasized the need for and urgency to make education in Pakistan a top priority. He also outlined the challenges faced by the system to implement effective education at every level, including at the primary, secondary and higher education level.


To begin the conference's exciting line up of scientific sessions, the inaugural ceremony concluded with two special plenary lectures.

Following Dr. Haseeb Ather's address, Dr. Major General Badshah Zaidi led a plenary lecture on Aladdin's Lamp. He presented on a very heart touching topic which described the evolution of medicine and with it, the evolution of the way doctors practice. He dubbed technology as Aladdin's lamp which will make practicing basic medicine as simple as rubbing a lamp. He highlighted that what sets doctors apart from technology and tools is their overarching concern and empathy for their patients. He concluded his talk with an account of his experience at the terrorist attack on a 10th of Muharram procession in 2004 in Quetta. There, he was able to condole a father whose son had passed away in the attack. With this he emphasized on the need for doctors to remain sensitive to the emotional needs of their patients beyond their physical practice.

Dr. Major General Badshah Zaidi preceded Lt. General Professor S.M Imran Majeed HI(M) Retd. (Vice Chancellor NUMS) who presented on an equally important topic of the State of Medical Education in Pakistan. During his talk he highlighted the contribution of medical doctors from Pakistan to the world. He also narrated statistics such as more than 50% of the crisis faced by Pakistan can be contributed to the lapses in Health care. He concluded his plenary by suggesting some underlying philosophy reforms that can be adopted to address these issues.

To view full conference proceedings, click here.

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  • It was an excellent conference well planned, presented, and well attended.  If individually traveling we may have never enjoyed the kind of reception the participants received throughout their stay in Iran. 

    Shaukat Syed
  • I want to thank you all for giving me such a great opportunity to be a part of your team (in Haiti). It was a unique experience and I really enjoyed working with you all. 

    Mitra Arjang
  • Thank you very much for the wonderful work you do. I have seen it first hand in Karbala during the Arbaeen camps and my son was fortunate to participate in two of the missions. I have made a donation today. 

    Abbas Abidi
  • If InshAllah, I secure a residency in the upcoming match, I will owe the organizers and the speakers at the seminar more than they will take credit for. 

    Annie Agha
  • IMI has been my outlet for philanthropic work since before I entered into high school. It is through IMI that I see my efforts, here in New Jersey, manifest into something much greater around the world. IMI has helped me realize that ambition alone is not enough to change the world; in order to achieve the changes we wish to see in this world we require ambition, vision, and most importantly execution. That is why I have joined IMI, so that my ambition and vision can meet their execution. 

    Zamin Kazmi