
Join Us

We want you to not only support us but join us as well! We keep our membership fees low but don’t be fooled: the smallest amounts can make the biggest difference in our work. For example, just $25 USD (the cost of one student membership) covers care for 50 patients at IMI Aligarh’s Get Well Clinic!

Wondering why you should join IMI?

  • 15% Discount on IMI National & International Conferences & Paid Sessions.
  • Special Consideration in IMI's iconic Annual Arbaeen Medical Mission & Annual Hajj Medical Mission.
  • Voting rights in IMI US Board Elections (only for Medical & Allied Professionals)
  • Participation at the UN and Allied Forums, & access to numerous socializing & IMI Networking Events.
  • Easy Access to IMI's International Medical Consultation Services Career Guidance Council etc.
  • Discounted Rates at IMI Residency Guidance Seminar & NEST Accommodation.
  • Build professional relationships across the world through IMI’s network.
  • Take benefits from IMI's Global Health Initiatives.
  • Young professionals & students: receive mentorship and career guidance.
  • Recommendations in Foreign Applications for Medical Rotations.
  • Serve at risk and poor communities globally through your support.

The Constitutional Criteria for Membership

While IMI’s beneficiaries (and many supporters) are from diverse backgrounds, as a faith-based entity, membership in the global platform and any chapter is constitutionally limited to Jafari Shia Muslims. Membership is available for professional and associate (non-health professional) member classes and as annual or lifetime payments. As a health professional organization, voting rights are reserved for IMI members from professional backgrounds in health/health-related fields. While we cherish our student and associate members and will always do our best to keep them informed and to follow up on their input/thoughts and ideas, our members in this category are unfortunately not eligible to vote. To sign up for membership or renew online today, please start by

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If you are not a current dues paying member, the top of your profile will display a link to sign up or renew your membership today. Don't have a login for the site yet?

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  • It is an honor for me that I am a part of IMI, but why am I considering this as an honor?  I was studying in Karachi (Pakistan) when my teacher told me and my friends about IMI. At first, I thought that it's somewhat related to giving free medication to those who are poor, etc. I went to the first seminar and met different medical professionals there. After few meetings, I realized that it's not just giving free medication to needy people, beside that, it is giving life to humanity

    Asma Rizvi
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    There is no typical day at Imamia Medics International.

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