
Clinical Attachment in Urology

05:00:AM Najaf to Galway

IMI Ireland organized a clinical attachment for Dr Muthanna Abid, an Iraqi native from Najaf. Dr Abid works at the University of Kufa as a full time Urologist. He came to Galway, Ireland for a 21 day clinical attachment, commencing from the 20th January to 17th February, 2011.

Dr Syed Qasim Jaffry pieced together a rigorous working day programme for each day Dr Abid remained in Galway. Dr Abid rotated out of Galway’s three main hospitals, in each of these he got to see a number of Urological cases, these consisted of

  • An in-depth insight into comprehensive CMG studies for patients with both severe stress and urge incontinence.
  • SPARC procedure for incontinence
  • TVT procedure for incontinence
  • Needle less sling for incontinence
  • Green light laser prostate for BPH, this green light laser surgery is the fastest growing Urological intervention in Ireland to date for men with BPH.
  • Brachytherapy seed implantation for prostate cancer
  • External beam radiation therapy for prostate cancer
  • Laparoscopic radical nephrectomies for both renal cell cancer and non functioning kidneys
  • Open & laparoscopic radical prostatectomies
  • Open radical cystectomies
  • PCNL (percutaneous nephro lithotomy)
  • Interventional and diagnostic radiology including PCN & renal embolisation

On a daily basis, Dr Abid attended ward rounds with Dr Jaffry and his team, observing the patients care along with their treatment and further management. He participated in attending the weekly Urological multi disciplinary team meetings gaining a hands on oversight into Urological cases and their consensual outcomes. He liaised with the various urological teams & the general working practices of Urological care in the West. He also observed & discussed in detail the administrative & Nursing care.

  • I can't believe my luck! I was truly fortunate to have attended this seminar. The presenters readily shared inside information, that was so valuable. It very realistically defined where each one of us stood on the road to residency, and highlighted how much effort each one of us needed in order to get where we wanted. The most amazing thing was, that each person's concerns were individually addressed in the Q & A session. Now I have a very clear idea of what my next step has to be. And I am more determined than ever to get there! I cannot thank the presenters and the administration enough. 

    Mehreen Iqbal
  • Firstly, thank you all for a wonderful conference in Barbados.  The educational content and speakers were excellent and in addition the opportunity for networking was a great bonus.  Your hard work and its success was very evident.

    Sohail Sachak
  • If InshAllah, I secure a residency in the upcoming match, I will owe the organizers and the speakers at the seminar more than they will take credit for. 

    Annie Agha
  • I just wanted to say thanks to everyone on this list for what proved to be a truly life-altering experience.  It was terrific working with all of you, except Farhaj...But seriously, Naeema and some of my other classmates know rather well that I had allowed medical school and the residency process to make me cynical and tired.  I'm happy to say though, that after a week of truly hard work, emotional challenge, and actually helping some people, I have returned home feeling refreshed and renewed.  As corny as this all sounds, I'm actually excited to be a doctor again.  I can't thank you all enough for that. So I'm hooked on relief work.  I hope that I have more opportunities to help in situations like this, and if possible, to work with you all again.

    P. Pratcha (IMI Relief: Haiti)
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