"It was an honor to attend IMI's event yesterday. The whole event was extremely well run and well organized. Everything happened on schedule. As a long time supporter of IMI I offer my sincere prayers, congratulations, and best wishes for the continued success of the Dream project. Yesterday was a momentous day for IMI. This is an organization that is not content to sit on its laurels and is always pushing the envelope and setting stretch goals in its service to the community and humanity at large." Shehryar Haider
After much anticipation IMI had its Dream project unveiling event at the Hyatt Regency Princeton on March 19, 2022 on the auspicious day of 16th of Shaban in celebration of 15th Shaban. This was a two part event starting at the Hyatt Regency Princeton where the IHI board gave a presentation on the Dream Project and also a special announcement by Dr. Hassan Abbas from Karbala. The second part was a special visit to the project site at Robbinsville NJ with all our IMI well-wishers and delegates. There was a flag and Alam hoisting ceremony and a tree planting ceremony with all dignitaries, servicemen and community stalwarts. With the dedication and hard work of our staff, core committee members, supporters and volunteers the event was very well received and was a massive success with the community. The event saw almost 700 well-wishers including physicians, scientists, academics, students, and other community elites.
View the Dream Project Special Event Program booklet here.
For details on the IHI Update on the Dream Project, view the IHI Dream Project 2022 publication here.
The Dream Project Special Event started at 2:30pm at the Hyatt Regency Princeton hosted by Ms. Mehvesh Bilgrami (IMI HQ staff member) and Mr. Zarif Ladak (IMI volunteer). To start the auspicious day, our young community member Mr. Qasim Ali Rizvi enlightened the audience with the tilawat of the holy Qur'an. This was followed by a welcome speech by our IMI US president Dr. Farheen Fahim. She welcomed the audience and thanked them for joining in celebrating this historical event us.
Following Dr. Fahim was world renowned nohakhwan Dr. Mesum Abbas Naqvi who read manqabat enrapturing the crowd with his exceptional voice. Next, we had H.I. Rizwan Rizvi give an exceptional lecture on "Imam Mehdi & our social responsibilities" captivating the audience's attention.
The opening session was followed by the Dream Project Update by the International Health Inititiave, with Dr. Mohammed Ali presenting. He elaborated on the future plans for the Dream Project and also informed the audience of investment opportunities with the project--sharing the projected start date for construction as July of 2023! This was followed by a Q&A session with the IHI Board of Directors where the audience got a chance to ask questions directly to the IHI directors.
Dr. Asad Sadiq (member of IMI Global Board of Regents) then introduced Dr. Hassan Abbas who shared a very special announcement all the way from the roza of Imam Hussain (a.s.) in Karbala. Highlighting the dedication and hardwork of IMI during the years and its vision of the Dream Project. He requested to fully support them in their cause and well wished IMI for its success.
Following the announcement was a special award ceremony where special recognition awards were handed out by Dr. Huma Naqvi (Chair, IMI Global Women's Wing) to Mr. ZamZam Zaidi Almecci in appreciation of his dedicated & foundational efforts as IMI’s first volunteer, Dr. Mujtaba Kazmi in appreciation of his dedicated efforts for the Dream Project & IMI, Mr. Abbas Reza in appreciation of his dedicated & foundational efforts for IMI as our first office secretary and Ms. Anna Raza in appreciation of her exemplary foundational efforts to establish IMI’s presence at the United Nations & continued dedication to IMI.
Next, a special Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Mr. Wizarat Rizvi by Dr. Arshed Quyyumi (Former IMI Global President, Chair, IMI Academic Council) in appreciation of a lieftime of exemplary service to humanity, for our global community, the Dream Project, and dedication to Imamia Medics International & International Health Initiative. From traveling to Boston for our first conference, to the integral part of the Dream Project that he is today, Mr. Rizvi has been an incredible asset and support to IMI for more than 25 years. An active advocate for social justice, Mr. Rizvi regularly joins IMI's advocacy efforts, as a participant at IMI US and International conferences and has served thousands through IMI's international delegations including the Annual Arbaeen Medical Mission. An inspiration for our global community, Mr. Rizvi's dedication, innumerable services, and thoughtful guidance continue to be a source of strength and honor for IMI.
Lastly, Dr. Huma Naqvi introduced Dr. Wajih Rizvi, the founder, the heart and soul of IMI & the Dream Project for a final thank you speech where the audience welcomed him on the stage with a standing ovation. He thanked the audience for a very kind welcome and thanked all the dignitaries and community members for joining IMI in celebrating this very special day with us.
Event guests were then transported to the Dream Project Site in Robbinsville for a special visit to the project.
This part of the event was hosted by Mr. Dilshad shah (Dream project event committee member) and Ms. Batool Rizvi (IMI Volunteer & youth wing coordinator). The evening began with a beautiful tilawat of the holy Qur'an by young Ali Asghar Kassamali. This was followed by the US flag hoisting by Councilman Michael Cipriano (President, Robbinsville Township Council).
The Tree Planting Ceremony began with Ms. Ayesha Ali, Consul General of Pakistan in New York, planting the first tree on the IMI Dream Project Site, followed by New Jersey Assemblywoman (D-16), Dr. Sadaf Jaffer.
Following the tree planting ceremony were Manqabats by Ahsan Naqvi & Anjumane Nawjawanane Ali Akbar/Anjumans. After which was the Alam hoisting and IMI flag hoisting ceremony by Anjumane Nawjawanane Ali Akbar/Anjumans, young leaders of tomorrow from RU ABSA and NYU-MSA led by Mujtaba Kazmi & Syed Zamzam Zaidi Almecci
This site visit allowed the community to be a part of IMI's Dream Project by participating in this exciting new phase of the project. The planting of trees by various community leaders and representatives from various centers showed the strong bond that IMI shares with the community. We are thankful for all the support we have received from the community and community leaders and are excited to continue to build a sustainable future for the community.
It was an excellent conference well planned, presented, and well attended. If individually traveling we may have never enjoyed the kind of reception the participants received throughout their stay in Iran.
I want to thank you all for giving me such a great opportunity to be a part of your team (in Haiti). It was a unique experience and I really enjoyed working with you all.
Thank you very much for the wonderful work you do. I have seen it first hand in Karbala during the Arbaeen camps and my son was fortunate to participate in two of the missions. I have made a donation today.
If InshAllah, I secure a residency in the upcoming match, I will owe the organizers and the speakers at the seminar more than they will take credit for.
IMI has been my outlet for philanthropic work since before I entered into high school. It is through IMI that I see my efforts, here in New Jersey, manifest into something much greater around the world. IMI has helped me realize that ambition alone is not enough to change the world; in order to achieve the changes we wish to see in this world we require ambition, vision, and most importantly execution. That is why I have joined IMI, so that my ambition and vision can meet their execution.